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Henoch. 42/2 (2020): Scribal Activity and Textual Plurality.

Titolo: Henoch. 42/2 (2020): Scribal Activity and Textual Plurality.


Editore: Morcelliana

Luogo di edizione: Brescia

Data di pubblicazione: 26 / 07 / 2021

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Prezzo: € 30.00

EAN: 9788837235536

THEME SECTION / SEZIONE MONOGRAFICA Jean-Sébastien Rey - Patrick Pouchelle, A Short Introduction Martin Worthington, Orthographic Abbreviation in Babylonian and Assyrian of the Second and First Millennia BC Graeme D. Bird, Transmission of the Homeric Text. Singers, Rhapsodes, Transcribers, Scribes and Editors Corrado Martone, Scribal Activity during the Second Temple Period Andrés Piquer Otero - Pablo Torijano Morales, The Redaction and Transmission of 2 Kgs 23:4-6. Questions of Textual Model and Challenges for Editors Matthieu Richelle, Towards a Variegated Approach to Textual Fluidity. Limited Variations, Deliberate Duplication and Creative Scribal Mistake in 2 Kings 10:15-31 Frank Ueberschaer, Let Me Praise! – Let Us Praise! – Who Will Praise the Ancestors? In Search of Scribal Activity and Influences in the Opening Section of the Praise of the Ancestors Jean-Sébastien Rey - J.L. Andruska, Synonymous Variations in the Hebrew Texts of Ben Sira John Screnock, The Septuagint, Scribalism, and Command-Execution Pairing Jean-Marie Auwers, La réécriture de Tobie vieux latin dans la Première Bible d’Alcalá (VL 109) Patrick Pouchelle, Les scribes à l’oeuvre dans les Psaumes de Salomon Peter Malik, The More the Merrier? Scribal Activity and Textual Plurality in the New Testament Tradition Claire Clivaz, Looking at Scribal Practices in the Endings of Mark 16

Altri autori:Rey, Jean-Sébastien (A cura di); Pouchelle, Patrick (A cura di)

Lingua: Inglese (Lingua del testo)|Francese (Lingua del testo)

Tipo di prodotto: Libro

Collana: Henoch

Numero edizione: 1

Pagine: 160


Argomenti: Cristianesimo delle origini; Giudaismo; Religioni antiche; Scienze religiose

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