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Co-responsibility. Beyond 2012 for a new counsciousness

Titolo: Co-responsibility. Beyond 2012 for a new counsciousness

Autore: Fioretto, Federico

Editore: Gabrielli Editori

Luogo di edizione: Verona

Data di pubblicazione: 31 / 01 / 2012

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Prezzo: € 18.00

EAN: 9788860991546

"Federico Fioretto is a true scholar of Gandhi’s nonviolence and this book brings to people an interesting interpretation. I recommend it whole-heartedly” Arun Gandhi Starting from a strong personal experience which he investigated with pragmatism and scientific attitude, the author develops a very innovative cosmology. The book also suggests a solid epistemological foundation for gandhian nonviolence to be seen as an up to date instrument to deal with current critical times. Looking beyond the most fanciful interpretation of 2012, deemed by some to mark a true “end of the world”, the book analyzes the critical state of the Earth’s ecosystem in the light of a new holistic consciousness. The fundamental laws ruling life in the Universe are examined with particular regard to their influence on daily life, in order to face the challenges of the current planetary change as opportunities; amongst these laws the principle of Co-responsibility is revealed to be the keystone of the New Era into which planet Earth is entering along with those humans who will be prepared to.

Lingua: Inglese (Lingua del testo)

Tipo di prodotto: Libro

Numero edizione: 1

Pagine: 165

Altezza (mm): 210.00

Larghezza (mm): 140.00

Spessore (mm): 12.00

Peso (gr): 280.00

Prezzo: € 18,00

IVA: IVA assolta dall'editore ART 74,1C

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Stato distributore: Disponibile

Destinatari: Formazione degli adulti

Classificazione Dewey: ALTRE RELIGIONI

Argomenti: Coscienza; Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand; Nonviolenza; Corresponsabilità

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