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Psychological structure and vocation. A study of the motivation for entering and learning of religious life

Titolo: Psychological structure and vocation. A study of the motivation for entering and learning of religious life

Autore: Imoda, Franco; Ridick, Joyce; Rulla, Luigi

Editore: Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Luogo di edizione: Roma

Data di pubblicazione: 01 / 01 / 1995

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Prezzo: € 15.00

EAN: 9788876525865

Is an important work in the field of religious psychology. Rulla, Imoda,and Ridick have made a prizewinningscientific study of the reason which motivate men and women to enter vocation and either to persevere or to abandon it. This book should be read by all who are involved in vocational formation. It will be of vital interest to anyone who is concerned about the question of vocations in the Church today.

Lingua: Inglese (Lingua del testo)

Tipo di prodotto: Libro

Numero edizione: 3

Altezza (mm): 21.00

Larghezza (mm): 15.00

Classificazione Dewey: PSICOLOGIA

Argomenti: Psicologia religiosa

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