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Local church in the light of magisterium teaching on mission. A case point: the archdiocese of Semarang-Indonesia (1940-1981)

Titolo: Local church in the light of magisterium teaching on mission. A case point: the archdiocese of Semarang-Indonesia (1940-1981)

Autore: Subanar, Gregorius B.

Editore: Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Luogo di edizione: Roma

Data di pubblicazione: 01 / 01 / 2001

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Prezzo: € 25.00

EAN: 9788876528965

Reacting to the impact of World War I, Pope Benedict XV created a pastoral letter Maximum Illud (1919) to stimulate the creation of the local hieratichy on mission area. Afterward there appeared similar documents of various kind. Meanwhile, in the 1950s various local churches were accused of being agents of colonialism. Added to this problem, was a demand to realize aggiornamento of the Church after Vatican Coucil II.In such situations, policies of the native bishops were important to the development of the local Church.

Lingua: Inglese (Lingua del testo)

Tipo di prodotto: Libro

Collana: Tesi Gregoriana Missiologia

Numero collana: 2

Numero edizione: 1

Altezza (mm): 24.00

Larghezza (mm): 17.00

Classificazione Dewey: MISSIONI CATTOLICHE

Argomenti: Missiologia

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