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Towards an ecumenical paradigm for christian mission . David Bosch's missionary vision

Titolo: Towards an ecumenical paradigm for christian mission . David Bosch's missionary vision

Autore: Paulus Y, Pham

Editore: Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Luogo di edizione: Roma

Data di pubblicazione: 01 / 01 / 2010

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Prezzo: € 35.00

EAN: 9788878391581

Toward this visionary paradigm, the ecclesiological basis has a crucial task. As sacrament the Church is the sign and instrument for the coming unity of humankind. In this respect, an adequate ecclesiology has to present the Church as the Church for others. The Church’s existence must reveal the Kingdom of God, not only as the fulfillment of the Church but also as the future of the world. This vision is not so far above; if theology is considered as a science through which God becomes comprehensible and accessible to people of all cultural and religious backgrounds. Thus, the author creates a new paradigm for Christian Mission which could be stated in the words of Pope Benedict, “As Christians we should never limit ourselves to asking how I can save myself. We should also ask: what can I do in order that the others may be saved and that for them too the star of hope may rise? Then I shall have done my utmost for my personal salvation as well”3. This paradigm applies not merely to an individual Christian but to all churches that are engrossed in preserving their identity and their ‘narrow’ missions.

Lingua: Inglese (Lingua del testo)

Tipo di prodotto: Libro

Dettagli: Legatura cucita

Collana: Documenta Missionalia

Numero collana: 35

Numero edizione: 1

Classificazione Dewey: MISSIONI

Argomenti: Missiologia; Missionari

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