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People of God in Lumen Gentium. A theological renewal of institutional ecclesiology and its implications

Titolo: People of God in Lumen Gentium. A theological renewal of institutional ecclesiology and its implications

Autore: Azike, Gerald

Editore: Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Luogo di edizione: Roma

Data di pubblicazione: 13 / 12 / 2016

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Prezzo: € 20.00

EAN: 9788878393509

The argument of this doctoral work is based on the Ecclesiology of Vatican II with specific interest on the image of the people of God. Through the aid of conclusions from the research, the work is able to provide a more accurate understanding of the image as it was adopted in the council. It demonstrates how the image as the second chapter of Lumen Gentium renewed the pre-conciliar understanding of the Church as institution - showing how it modified the overemphasis placed on that aspect of the Church. The argument delineates other renewals brought about by the image to include: the rediscovery of the common priesthood of the faithful, the renewed assent on the role of the laity, the affirmation of the Carismatic dimension of the whole Church as well as the ecumenical broadening of the Church's understanding of herself. From that general consideration, the thesis proceeds to the particular situation of the Church in Africa focusing on Igbo Christians of Nigeria. It argues that the image as a theological basis could provide a better ecclesiological tool in analyzing the Church and applying the ecclesiological doctrine of the council to that particular Church. It demonstrates how the image in emphasizing the historicity, missionary dimension and "ontology of grace" over structure in the Church would help to inculturate faith.

Lingua: Inglese (Lingua del testo)

Tipo di prodotto: Libro

Collana: Tesi Gregoriana Teologia

Numero collana: 225

Numero edizione: 1

Pagine: 398

Altezza (mm): 240.00

Larghezza (mm): 170.00

Peso (gr): 690.00

Classificazione Dewey: ECCLESIOLOGIA

Argomenti: Ecclesia in Africa; Ecclesiologia

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