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Church Communications Through Diocesan Websites. A Model of Analysis

Titolo: Church Communications Through Diocesan Websites. A Model of Analysis

Autore: Arasa, Daniel

Editore: Edusc

Luogo di edizione: Roma

Data di pubblicazione: 01 / 12 / 2015

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Prezzo: € 8.99

EAN: 9788883335310

While the Church continues to be an essential object of the mass media’s attention, it is in a position to become a more active subject of communication to spread her message through the Internet. This book offers a practical analysis of what Catholic dioceses’ websites say and how they are managed. It does not intend to propose the ideal diocesan website, but to offer useful instruments to analyze existing websites and, from this analysis, to propose some guidelines for the planning, creation and management of diocesan or other Church websites. The websites selected for the study were from nine major Catholic dioceses around the world: Bogotá (Colombia), Johannesburg (South Africa), Los Angeles (USA), Madrid (Spain), Manila (Philippines), Melbourne (Australia), Mexico City (Mexico), Milan (Italy) and São Paulo (Brazil). The analysis of the content and services of Catholic diocesan websites, combined with in-depth interviews with the webmasters and journalists who cover religion, provides valuable insights into the use of diocesan websites as instruments for the Church’s institutional communications. This research is of particular interest to two communities: first, the academic community dedicated to electronic communication and institutional communications; second, the Church’s leaders and, in general, all those responsible for communications in dioceses and other Church institutions, from bishops to media officers.

Lingua: Inglese (Lingua del testo)

Tipo di prodotto: Contenuto digitale per download

Dettagli: EPUB

Tipo contenuto: Testo leggibile

Protezione: DRM di Adobe

Collana: Saggi e Manuali

Numero edizione: 1

Prezzo: € 8,99

IVA: 4

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Stato distributore: Disponibile

Distributore: Edigita

Classificazione Dewey: CRISTIANESIMO E MEDIA

Argomenti: Internet; Mass media; Diocesi; Comunicazione religiosa

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