Love, Friendship and Storytelling. Talking with Young People about the Best-Loved Works of Their Generation.
Titolo: Love, Friendship and Storytelling. Talking with Young People about the Best-Loved Works of Their Generation.
Autore: González Gaitano, Norberto; Bellido, Gema; Galatolo, Cecilia
Editore: Edusc
Luogo di edizione: Roma
Data di pubblicazione: 14 / 02 / 2023
Stato editoriale: Attivo
Prezzo: € 20.00
EAN: 9791254821121
Lingua: Inglese (Lingua del testo)
Tipo di prodotto: Libro
Numero edizione: 1
Pagine: 268
Prezzo: € 20,00
IVA: IVA assolta dall'editore ART 74,1C
Stato editoriale: Attivo
Stato distributore: Disponibile
Classificazione Dewey: SCIENZE SOCIALI
Argomenti: Comunicazione
Note: Norberto González Gaitano, PhD completed his doctoral studies at The University of Navarra’s School of Communication in Spain, 1991. He has been a Professor of Public Opinion at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) since 1996 and is Director of the University’s Family and Media Chair (Elina Gianoli-Gainza). He has authored numerous books and articles on media issues—his last one having been published in Family and Media’s Educating Young People through the Classics. Love, Friendship and Storytelling (2020). Gema Bellido completed her PhD degree in audiovisual communication at The Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, 2014. She is an Assistant Professor in the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross’s School of Communications (Rome) and works also as a communications consultant. She has recently edited A Church in Dialogue. The Art and Science of Church Communication (2022). Cecilia Galatolo graduated from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross’s School of Church Communications in 2016. She has published six novels, as well as essays and biographies of young witnesses of the Catholic faith. Her best-known book is You Were Born Original. Don’t Live as a Photocopy (“Sei nato originale non vivere da fotocopia,” 2017), dedicated to Blessed Carlo Acutis. She collaborates with various websites that explore topics regarding family and is a researcher for the international research group Family and Media.